Company Introduction

“Endless changes and innovation in the kitchen utensils market”

SungjinCore never stops striving to provide the products and services that satisfy our customers. Product quality is the top priority mission, we are actively leading the environmental friendly using eco-friendly materials. With diverse experience and excellent design, we possess the best technology which led to promotion of many companies and successful sales increase.
  • Design
  • Product Development
  • Distribution and Sales Promotion
  • Brand
Main Power Growth engine of SungjinCore
  • Professional Development Capability
    Professional Development Capability

    We have the highest level of development capability in the market to produce products that the market wants. It is a source of strong confidence in overall kitchenware production overall.

  • Systematic OEM Production
    Systematic OEM Production

    We provide the best technical guidance to the global OEM production base established by our company. We also keep the function, quality, especially hygiene which is the important element of Sungjin products.

  • Rapid product development capability and talent through market analysis
    Rapid product development capability and talent through market analysis

    From domestic distribution to overseas sales parts, we have a solid organizational structure and have the best talents in the field of marketing, design and production technology.

Major Certifications and Awards We will give you confident in our products through official certification.
  • TUV (LFGB) Certification

    We received product certification from TUV, one of the leading authorities in Europe. The certification is given when raw materials, production, distribution, consumption, and whole process are managed by the integrated sanitation method.

  • FDA Certification (US Food Hygiene Standards)

    We acquired the certification mark from the FDA, the agency under the US Department of Health and Human Services, the mark which is given to certify product safety and prevent public health.

  • Design Patent

    We received about 100 product patents and design patents from the Korean Intellectual Property Office in recognition of the design quality of our own developed products. In order to protect the rights and interests of our partners, we are actively implementing design patent and design registration.

  • Venture Business Certification

    We have been certified as a venture company by the Technology Guarantee Fund by South Korean Government Agency. SungjinCore Co., Ltd. is currently a venture company.

  • Excellent Technology Evaluation Certification

    We have been certified as a company with superior technology competence and technology competitiveness from the NICE Evaluation Information.